2005 Emission Inventory

Aggregated pollution indicators

In the Emission Inventory data for some aggregated pollution indicators are available, obtained from combination of the emission data of single pollutants.

  • CO2eq: total emissions of greenhouse gases expressed as CO2 - equivalent
  • Tot. acidif. (H+): total emissions of acidifying substances
  • Precurs. O3: total emissions of ozone precursors

CO2eq: total emissions of greenhouse gases expressed as CO2 - equivalent

"CO2eq" emissions represent total emissions of greenhouse gases, weighted basing on their own contributions to greenhouse gas effect.

The estimate of greenhouse gases aggregated emissions is based on the following relation:

CO2eq = ΣiGWPi x Ei


CO2eq = CO2 equivalent emissions in kt/year

GWPi = "Global Warming Potential", IPCC coefficients equal to 1, 0.021 and 0.31 respectively for CO2, CH4 and N2O (IPCC, 2001)

Ei = CO2 (in kt/y), CH4 and N2O (in t/y) emissions.


If CO2 emissions are 100 kt/y, CH4 emissions 50 are t/y and N2O emissions are 10 t/y, then CO2eq emissions are:

CO2eq = 100 * 1 kt/y + 0.021 * 50 kt/y + 10 * 0.31 kt/y = 104.2 kt/y.

Tot. acidif. (H+): total emissions of acidifying substances

"Tot. acidif. (H+)" emissions represent total emissions of substances able to contribute to rain acidification.

The estimate of aggregated emissions of acidifying substances is based on the following relation:

Tot.acidif. (H+) = Σi APi x Ei /1000


Tot. acidif. (H+) = total emissions of acidifying substances expressed as kt/y of H+ equivalents

APi = acidifying potential factors, equal to 31.25, 21.74 and 58.82 respectively for SO2, NOx and NH3 (De Leeuw et al., 2002)

Ei = SO2, NOx and NH3 (in t/y) emissions


If SO2 emissions are 10 t/y, N2O emissions are 50 t/y, NH3 emissions are 1 t/y, then Tot. acidif. (H+) emissions are:

Tot. acidif. (H+) = (31.25 * 10 t/y + 21.74 * 50 t/y + 58.82 * 1 t/y)/1000 = 1.46 kt/y.

Precurs. O3: total emissions of ozone precursors

"Precurs. O3" emissions represent total emissions of pollutant substances able to promote the formation of tropospheric ozone.

The estimate of aggregated emissions of ozone precursors is based on the following relation:

Precurs. O3 = ΣiTOPPi x Ei


Precurs. O3 = emission of ozone precursors in t/y

TOPPi = "Tropospheric Ozone Formation Potentials", formation coefficients of tropospheric ozone, equal to 1.22, 1, 0.014 and 0.11 respectively for NOx, VOC, CH4 and CO (De Leeuw et al., 2002)

Ei = NOx, VOC, CH4 and CO emissions (in t/y).


If NOx emissions are 10 t/y, NMVOC emissions are 5 t/y, CH4 emissions are 5 t/y and CO emissions are 50 t/y, then Precurs. O3 emissions are:

Precurs. O3 = 1.22 * 10 t/y + 1 * 5 t/y + 0.014 * 5 t/y + 0.11 * 50 t/y = 22.77 t/y.

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