2005 Emission Inventory

Typologies of atmospheric pollutant sources

For the reasons above discussed, within an inventory emissions can be distinguished into the following typologies:

"area sources", scattered on the territory, assessed by means of proper indicators and emission factors, using the formula (1) above; "point sources", pollution sources which can be geographically locates, assessed by measured data collected by means of a special census; for some pollutants which have not been monitored, emissions can be estimated through the previously mentioned relation "linear sources", such as roads, assessed by means of proper indicators and emission factors, generally by detailed methodologies.

Sources can be point or area sources also in the industrial sector. Emissions that can be localized in a point (a chimney, a vent) belong to the first type, while the second type include emissions from stockings, transportation and manipulation of materials, or vents, sewages, evaporation along process lines. Typical examples are volatile hydrocarbons released from area sources in refineries or particulate matter released from heaps of materials stocked in squares. The distinction of these two emission typologies is significant in high level studies in the production area: in middle scale evaluations, area emissions can be assimilated to point emissions which active at ground level.

In the atmosphere modeling sector, in order to asses the impact o f a given emission on atmospheric concentrations at ground level, it is important to achieve, not only the flow of the released pollutant, but also the value of the other parameters that influence the way of its dispersion in atmosphere: source typology, emission height, outcome speed and temperature of gases, etc. Also for this reason it is necessary to achieve point emission data. These factors have a noticeable influence on phenomena of raising of the plume, due both to the mechanical turbulence near the chimney both to the thermal floating push of the plume.

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